Sunday, February 1, 2015

The cellphone of the future

My aunt Carol and uncle Jack are teaching an EMT training course to high school students, and at a family lunch yesterday, we discussed their students' strong attachments to cellphones and electronic devices. Carol said her students would likely experience "permanent psychological damage" if something ever prevented them from checking their phones. 

I've never felt a strong psychological attachment to cellphones as I often prefer to ignore its seemingly constant beeps and buzzes. I wouldn't need a "noPhone," or a plastic iPhone look-a-like designed to placate people who feel "inadequate" when they aren't fondling a cellphone. It promises users to "never again experience the unsettling feeling of flesh on flesh when closing your hand."  Check out the "noPhone," which is currently in the kick-starter phase. 

I do, however, think that attachment to our cellphones–even when not psychologically impairing–is very real. I go everywhere with my cell phone: school, church, to sleep, to the bathroom (just being honest), and I think the future of cellphone and smartphone technology will capitalize on this attachment. 

To check a cell phone, one must constantly flex his or her biceps, resulting in a repetitious and unpleasant exercise. I think the cellphone of the future will eliminate this unpleasant body motion by directly feeding information from our phones to the brain's visual cortex, allowing us to see Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. 

I think biological attachments will soon replace the psychological attachments we have with technology. Imagine the possibilities when Google connects to our brains.


1 comment:

  1. Actually, I would be a lot fonder of the devices if they DID attach directly to the brain and you could immediately call up any info, IDing people whose names you've forgotten, a lost word, a needed factoid to solve a problem.... Maybe our students could then remember their EMT vocabulary...
